Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Me Gusta Provo

I have been informed by my Stake President that I will be going to the Provo MTC on April 24th instead of flying straight to the MTC in Peru. My Visa still hasn't shown up, but I'm hoping it will while I'm in Provo.

Like I said before, the news isn't too upsetting. I would love to be in Peru, but no matter where I am, I'm doing the Lord's work. And maybe receiving cupcakes from the Cocoa Bean... This is the only time in my life so far where I've had a valid excuse to gain lots of weight, so lay on the junk food.

This week has been really tough emotionally. I underestimated how much Satan knows about my weaknesses. He has been working his hardest to keep me home. Bad news, Satan. I'm going on a flippin mission and I'm going to teach a lot of people and pet a lot of llamas and probably get a parasite from all the food I'll be forced to eat, and most likely get a flesh eating disease from petting said llamas. Worth it? Absolutely.

One more week. I can do it.

If you would like to come to my farewell talk, it's this Sunday at 9:00 AM. The address is 1176 N 730 E in Pleasant Grove, Utah. I would love to see you all there.


Hermana Allred

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